

Then, the shout was heard
“Quick, bring me forth
The immortalizer, the one.
For the night tree
Has finally given birth
To the real moon
Beneath the iron moulded sky”
And after a great silence
Covered the previous noisy oasis
As a pick-pocket bereft
The gift of sound from the world.
Then, the shout was heard again
“Quick you fools and unworthy
Servants of men.
 Bring forth the one
Who can stop time, it is his time.
To blow immortality into
This dying flesh,
For the night tree
Finally has resurrected light,
And after,
A great silence was spread again
As if a frozen wind
Took over the tongues of humans
And subordinated nature
Amputating all from the privilege
Of sound and whisper.
Then, for the third time
The shout was heard:
“Quick, or I will curse you,
The moon has started withering,
It is bright, yet short its’ life is,
The night tree is on fire by
The flame of the enlightened ball.
Send me the immortalizer
Or else the next one million years will be submitted
Into darkness and pain.”
And after,
Not much after a century’s time
An unborn kid emerged
Of the dirty oasis water
And thus it had spoken
Violating the silence:
“Dear Lord,
Don’t you know that
The immortalizer, mortal himself,
Was deceased
Choked by a hope
That sprung within his neck
Guiding him to immortalize
His pitiful self.
Now he is laying cold and still
Below the night tree.”
Thus, the child had spoken.
And after,
There was silence
For a million years. 

Tacloban- Philippines

2 σχόλια:

tsaras είπε...

Μεγάλη επιστροφή!

Unknown είπε...

Thnx man. We appreciate,

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