
Either, Nor

A sheep in wolf’s clothing
An immortal so anxious about death
A nomad who desires one house
A father who lacks kids
A dreamer dipped in blackness
A liar with a true voice
Spiraling down from innocence
Climbing up to oblivion
Erasing patterns, while creating chaos
Dimming the lights
While polishes up the darkness
Sparkling up in dolor
Having nothing to lose
Yet nothing to win
As every punch
Leaves marks not only to the opponent’s face
But small broken bones on the fist
Looking behind reasoning
Seeing above lust
Including beyond ego
A man on animal’s instincts
A healthy being on medication
An excuse without a lie
A lie without a cause
A cause without a sense
A sense without a body
A body without breath
A breath without life
A life without a shepherd
A shepherd without sheep
A sheep in wolf’s clothing

Kampala, 18 October 2017